Have you taken time to be grateful for our school and community?  Many individuals share their talents and time to help us SOAR!

Thanks to…

  • parents who send their children to school ready to learn and who are always interested in learnng about our learning,
  • staff who try new approaches to engage students,
  • students who eagerly get involved in all of the extra-curricular opporunities offered by our staff,
  • educational assistants who foster learning and safety,
  • the custodians, staff and students who respect and care for our school so that it sparkles,
  • crossing guards and bus drivers who ensure students arrive safely,
  • support personnel from the school board who allow us to use technology and keep the heat running and facilty safe,
  • administrators who are learners,
  • volunteers who feed our children, support early readers and refill our library shelves,
  • our librarian who fosters a love for reading,
  • parent council members who support learning at school through fundraising, guidance and feedback,
  • having the emaotional support of a CYW,
  • a fanatastic facility with creative playgrounds and space to play,
  • a supportive community…

The list can go on and on.  Please let a community member know how grateful you are for his or her indivdual contribution!