We often hear from visitors who work with us in our school about the tremendous “open to learning” stance of the Wellesley staff! Staff eagerly maximize use of a variety of learning resources including technology, people, books and most importantly their students and each other.  Our staff embraces learning!

In her thank you note our Digital Literacy Support Teacher, Heidi Hobson, who was kept very busy at our school wrote,

Wellesley Staff,

I have sincerely enjoyed learning with you throughout this year.  Thank you for your enthusiasm for learning and for your welcoming spirit; your humor and courage to try things that may have made you feel vulnerable.  I have learned much from you and appreciate your graciousness as I navigated my way through this year, my first as DLST.  Wishing you a restful and rejuvenating summer with your family and friends!  See you in September!


Wellesley is a great place to learn, grow and SOAR!