Did you know ……that HabitatWR is ready to start building two homes in Wellesley for two rural families!

As you may or may not know, we build more than houses. We build homes. Homes where families can find peace, shelter, safety and comfort. Homes were families can learn, and grow, and be together.

We have pulled all the pieces together to get started. If you, your school, your co-workers, neighbours, friends and families would like to help – it’s easy to do so. Everything you need is right on our website: www.habitatwr.ca.

Although if you’d like a short cut to the sign up pages to sign up and volunteer – here it is: https://habitatwr.magentrixcloud.com/aspx/VolunteerCalendar You simply need to scroll past the month of March (which is almost finished), past the month of April which will simply be site preparation, and there beginning May 1 you can chose whichever day works best for you and you can chose to volunteer specifically in Wellesley.

We will be breaking ground mid-April (and then preparing the site for the build season).

If you have any questions or concerns or need more information please let me know. I am here to help to ensure everyone in our rural communities has the opportunity to be a part of such an exciting project.

Kristine Dearlove
Family Services Manager
120 Northfield Drive East Waterloo ON N2J 4G8
T: 519-747-0664 ext. 236 | E: kdearlove@habitatwr.ca | W: www.habitatwr.ca