Philosophy: Our goal is to improve learning by ensuring that basic needs are met.  N4L requires that healthy snacks from 3 food groups are made available to all students. We practice safe food handling and maintain a peanut-safe environment.  We strive to buy local and minimize packaging to support out Green School initiative.

Dates: Snacks are available every day.

Menus: apples, crackers, cheese

Volunteers: This program is run almost entirely by parent volunteers with the support of School Council.  The coordinators work closely with Nutrition4Learing to ensure we meet all program requirements.

Financial Support: Nutrition4Learning, Wellesley Parent Council, community donors

Staff Contacts: Brian Beney and Angela Rohr

N4L Testimonials

“Our school is off to another amazing year with lots of activities happening all around.  I was happy to see food being dropped off for our Nutrition for Learning program and I just want to say thank you to all those involved for making this program happen again.  I noticed a big difference in my class with their attention and focus throughout the morning when healthy snacks were provided. It is amazing to see how excited students can get when you offer them something as simple as an apple. Once again, thank you to all those parents who volunteer their time to give all the students at Wellesley a great start to their morning!”

Primary Teacher

“Our bus students are sometimes on the bus for an hour before arriving at school.  Even if they have had breakfast at home they are hungry again.  This a great program for our bus students.”

“We can’t always see where the need is.  Just because we live in this community does not always mean there is food.”

Nutrition For Learning