November 15th, 2013
On November 5th, a team of Wellesley staff, students and parents attended the Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools conference. This is a team which will meet four times each year with the purpose of gathering feedback and reflecting upon how we can act upon that feedback to ensure our school is safe, caring and inclusive. This is both a daily priority and an ongoing process.
Our initial goals are to increase parent and student voice through the four annual meetings and being receptive to ongoing feedback and to improve our hallway, tarmac and group work protocols. As our school continues to grow we are finding that our needs are evolving.
Our next meeting will be in January – please feel free to call Mrs. Givlin at the school to share any ideas, questions or concerns.
Thanks to the team members for their thoughtful analysis of our data and suggestions for next steps.
Thanks to all parents for their ongoing daily support. This is a community effort!