Mrs. Thaler and her grade 1 class discussed the ideas in Shannen and the Dream for a School by Janet Wilson and then the students took action by writing letters to the government.  The students feel strongly that it is unfair that our school is well cared for and a better place to learn and they want students in Attawapiskat to have the same privleges that we do.  Enjoy the voice and strong sense of purpose in the two samples below (spelling has been corrected).  The book is available in our library.


“Dear government,

Why don’t you spend money on native people too?  We want no mice in our school – so do they. We don’t want a cold school – so do they.  Why do you spend more money on us?

Your friend,



“Dear government,

Give the native children a school with a library. Give them a school with a gym.  Give them a school without mice. Please give them a school like ours so they learn like we do.

