No more dogs on school property; parking lot closed for student pick up and drop off next year – see Newsletter for details

The spring newlsetter has been posted in the ” Newsletters” page under the “Menu” at the right side of this page. There is some key information regarding a couple of items. First, we are asking that parents no longer bring pet dogs on to the school property during the day. Second, it has been decided […]

Extended Daycare Information for families

We are pleased to announce that we will be home to the Extended Daycare Program next year. Please see the attached letters in the Full Day Kindergarten page regarding daycare programs. Look under “Menu” at the right side of this page. More information about timelines and what each family needs to do is posted in […]

School Bus information for September

Please carefully read the following information from Student Transportation Services regarding school bus information for 2014-15. Your transportation details will be available on August 21, 2014. Parents and students will be able to login and view their transportation details for the next school year. Please Note: any address changes need to be done through your […]

Information regarding Full Day Kindergarten

Many thanks to all the parents and future Eagles that came to visit us on May 14. It was great to meet all of you. We hope that you were able to get a taste of what the FDK program will be about. We appreciate that this is a busy time of year for everyone […]

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